Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Things To Consider When Designing Your New Construction Home

t is very exciting to have a new home built.  But in all of that excitement there are things you should consider before finalizing your plans.  You will need to look to the future needs of your home and family then plan accordingly; rather than just thinking about your current lifestyle and how you want your home to perform for you now - in the present.

Here are a few things that you may not have thought about when starting the beginning phases of building your new home.

1.  When deciding whether to go with the large open spaces, less walls etc.  Think about your life now and in the future.  Currently you may have a toddler and need those wide open spaces to keep an eye on them.  However, remember that they don't stay toddlers for long.  Before you know it that toddler will be a teenager and you will then need as many separate rooms / spaces as you can get.  Because once you have some teenagers on your hands, you will quickly learn that everyone is going to want their own space.

2.  Don't downsize a room or a closet to make a space for a newborn or toddler.  Once again, they do not stay newborns for long and you will be left with little or no space.  Downsizing a room or eliminating a closet just doesn't make sense in the whole scheme of things.  Remember, your newborn is only going to be a newborn for a little while.  But you will more than likely live in your home much longer than that.

3.  Don't give up kitchen cabinet space for a pass through bar just so you can keep an eye on your kids.  Your small children will grow quicker than you can blink an eye but once your home is built your kitchen will have to stay that way forever.  And before long your children will be grown and you will no longer need that pass through bar but you sure could use that extra cabinet space.

4.  Consider a downstairs den that could be converted into a bedroom in the future as your family grows.

5.  Think about having your attic roughed-in with plumbing and electric for a future bedroom or living space.

6.  Perhaps adding a bathroom and kitchenette to your basement for possible future living quarters.  This will also add value to your home when it comes time to sell.

7.  Think ahead to when your toddler turns 16 and gets a car.  You will need more garage space.  So consider having a three car garage included with your home building plans.

8.  It is always a good idea to have grab bars installed in all of your bathrooms.  These are not just for seniors.  These are great for kids and for adults who have over extended themselves and need a little assistance getting in and out of the bathtub or shower.

It is hard to know exactly what you are going to need in the future.  But try a little forward thinking and build your house according to what you think you will need.

If you have built a house that is no longer suitable for you and your family.  Call your realtor and ask them to help you find a home that fits your new lifestyle.  Your realtor would be more than happy to assist you in any way they can.

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